F9 is a group of companies operating in the market of fluoroorganic chemical products of domestic and foreign manufacture since 2008. Our products are widely used in the fire-fighting, refrigeration, semiconductor and chemical industries. Our professional team offers a wide range of services for the import, export and logistics of chemical hazardous goods, carrying out their transportation and storage using our own transport and container fleet.
F9 is a group of companies operating in the market of fluoroorganic chemical products of domestic and foreign manufacture since 2008. Our products are widely used in the fire-fighting, refrigeration, semiconductor and chemical industries. Our professional team offers a wide range of services for the import, export and logistics of chemical hazardous goods, carrying out their transportation and storage using our own transport and container fleet.
F9 is:
official distributor in Russia of the largest Chinese chemical corporation Sinochem Holdings Corporation Limited;
exclusive distributor of Fluorchem 1230, Limited Liability Company, the only Russian manufacturer of the fire extinguishing agent FK 5-1-12 (R-1230);
partner of Perm Chemical Company LLC, a unique domestic manufacturer of a wide range of organofluorine chemistry products.
Such exceptional cooperation allows us to provide reliable supplies of chemical products to our customers and maintain warehouse stocks in various regions of Russia.
F9 has extensive experience working with refrigerants of all types, which allows us to professionally carry out operations with these substances in accordance with the requirements and regulations of domestic and international legislation. Today, the consolidated quota of our group of companies for the import of hydrofluorocarbons is one of the largest in Russia, which allows us to meet the needs of customers in almost any volume of refrigerants and fire-extinguishing gases.
F9 has extensive expertise in the recovery and disposal of refrigerants, as well as other hazardous waste and chemical products. We use advanced methods and technologies developed on the basis of our expert knowledge, ensuring the effective recovery and safe disposal of such substances, strictly observing all regulatory norms and standards to ensure environmental sustainability and compliance with Russian legislation.
125362 г. Москва, вн.тер.г.муниципальный округ Покровское-Стрешнево, ул. Циолковского, д. 4, помещ. 1/2
Phone: +79362156000E-mail: info@f-9.suAdress: 125362, Russia, Циолковского д. 4