Buhler – AHS Europe


Buhler-AHS is a leading manufacturer of professional autonomous adiabatic air humidification systems with a wide range of applications: in residential, office, commercial, public and industrial premises.The Russian company Buhler AHS Industry is the official distributor of the Buhler-AHS air humidification systems brand. Despite the sanctions, the ability of supplying original products and components are still preserved The company's service center provides scheduled technical and warranty maintenance of equipment throughout Russia.

Buhler-AHS is a leading manufacturer of professional autonomous adiabatic air humidification systems with a wide range of applications: in residential, office, commercial, public and industrial premises.The Russian company Buhler AHS Industry is the official distributor of the Buhler-AHS air humidification systems brand. Despite the sanctions, the ability of supplying original products and components are still preserved The company's service center provides scheduled technical and warranty maintenance of equipment throughout Russia. Showrooms in Moscow provide an opportunity for our dealers and partners to demonstrate working equipment and receive professional consultation of our specialists. The corporate warehouse has a large stock of finished products, materials for installation work, components for maintenance, as well as a comfortable waiting area for processing and receiving goods. Bühler AHS Industry is your reliable and faithful partner!

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Air conditioning systems
Cooling systems: components, accessories, tools
Air quality control systems


Адрес шоурума в Москве

Phone: + 7 ( 495 ) 1514521
E-mail: info@buhler-ahs.pro
Adress: 121596, Russia, ул. Горбунова, д.2, стр.3 БЦ "Гранд Сетунь Плаза"

Phone:+ 7 ( 495 ) 1514521
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